Exposing Clinton With Reverse Speech

By Michael Goodspeed

Of all the public figures who’ve been subjected to the unerring scrutiny of Reverse Speech, perhaps none have come out looking worse than Bill Clinton. Over the course of 8 years, David John Oates has presented a large volume of reversals on Clinton covering a broad spectrum of issues; the “suicide” of Clinton confidante Vince Foster; the sexcapades involving Paula Jones, Monica Lewinsky, Kathleen Wylie and Gennifer Flowers; the Whitewater, FBI Files and Chinagate scandals; and Clinton’s use of military force in Kosovo and Iraq. To say that their reversals have been less than flattering is a profound understatement.

Although I have no doubt about RS’ validity as an accurate means of lie detection, I believe that one should not form a concrete judgment about a person’s character based on reversals alone. I think that RS is complimentary to all corroborative evidence available. For instance, the damning reversals on OJ Simpson and John and Patsy Ramsey wouldn’t be so compelling if not for the overwhelming evidence of their guilt. In those cases, RS succeeded in confirming what many of us have suspected all along.

In the case of the President Clinton, David’s reversals–which may or may not reveal that Clinton is guilty of a variety of sins including fraud, embezzlement, dope-dealing, and perhaps even murder–are indeed supported by compelling evidence.

Take, for example, this reversal from the President when giving a speech on the Food and Drug Administration. Backwards, Clinton says, “THEY BUY THE DOPE, AND HOW I AGREE AND ACCEPT THIS.” To many people, this seems like an absurd and conspiratorial fantasy. However, there is a mountain of evidence that the top officials at the FDA have been bought off by the pharmaceutical giants–a fact which Clinton has never chosen to expose. Want some evidence of this?

Over the past few years, I’ve closely followed the controversy surrounding the FDA’s approval of aspartame, genetically engineered (or FRANKEN)foods, bovine growth hormone and the terminator seed. It is a shocking and appalling fact that FDA officials have openly received political and/or financial favors from chemical companies in exchange for their support. This was never more apparent than in the FDA’s recent decision to approve the genetically engineered bovine growth hormone (rBGH)..

In an article on the proven link between rBGH and cancer, Peter Montague https://www.corpwatch.org/trac/corner/worldnews/other/173.html wrote:

“It has been well-documented by Monsanto and by others that rBGH- treated cows undergo several changes: their lives are shortened, they are more likely to develop mastitis, an infection of the udder (which then requires use of antibiotics, which end up in the milk along with increased pus), and they produce milk containing elevated levels of another hormone called IGF-1. It is IGF-1 that is associated with increased likelihood of human cancers.

“The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) approved rBGH for use in cows in 1993, but the approval process was controversial because former Monsanto employees went to work for the FDA, oversaw the approval process, then went back to work for Monsanto.”

On November 30, 1999, consumer advocate Robert Cohen (www.notmilk.com) spoke before an FDA panel about the dangers of rBGH. He said, “Margaret Miller knew cows were getting mastitis. The first week at the FDA, December 3, 1989, she was given broad power, and here’s an affect of genetic engineering nobody has considered. She knew cows were getting sick from the genetically engineered hormone. She changed the amount of antibiotics that farmers could have in their milk. She changed it from 1 part per 100 million to 1 part per million – this is a fact! She increased it by 100 times.

The greatest controversy in FDA history was the approval process for Monsanto’s genetically engineered bovine growth hormone. We shouldn’t be here today! We should not be in this room and I shouldn’t be here because, in 1994, Congress HAD A BILL that was going to require mandatory labeling of all foods that were influenced by genetic engineering. I got my Congresswoman to co-sponsor that bill – 181 congresspeople co-sponsored that bill, and you know what? I learned how Congress works that year because in 6 months they stalled the bill – 12 members of the Dairy Livestock & Poultry Committee – they stalled the bill until the 1994 session of Congress expired and the bill died.

“I was so upset, I investigated these 12 men and found that collectively they took $711,000 in PAC money from companies with dairy interests, and four of the members of the committee took money directly from Monsanto.”

In an article by Peter Khaled entitled, “Monsanto and Government Regulatory Agency Employees Are The Same People,” (https://www.purefood.org/Monsanto/revolvedoor.cfm) more than 30 former or current employees of Monsanto and other chemical firms are proven to be former or current employees of government regulatory agencies. This is an obvious conflict of interest that President Clinton has failed to even remotely address.

Monsanto is notorious for giving us poorly-tested and occasionally deadly chemicals; they were responsible for Agent Orange and were orignally chemical weapons manufacturers. Why has Clinton never addressed the financial and political favors received by the FDA from Monsanto and other pharmaceutical giants?

“The buy the dope, and how I agree and accept this.” This is yet another instance when RS has confirmed the suspicions of many so-called “conspiratorialists.”

It’s also worthwhile to examine this particularly damning Clinton reversal: “Hell with the earth, seek desert answers.” Slick Willy gave this reversal while he was in the darkest hour of the Lewinsky scandal–and immediately before he began his most recent bombing campaign against Iraq. Clinton also gave this reversal around the same time: “Now I see we’re broken.” Clearly, Clinton felt his Presidency was in jeopardy. The question is, was he desperate enough to torch Iraqi soil and murder innocent people, merely for the purpose of bumping Lewinsky and Chinagate from the headlines? Let’s look at the facts…

In the summer of 1998, former UN inspector Scott Ritter resigned, claiming that the U.N. Special Commission (Unscom) deliberately chose sites it knew would provoke Iraqi defiance at the White House’s urging. “I’m telling you this was a preordained conclusion. This inspection was a total setup by the United States,” Mr. Ritter said. “The U.S. was pressing [the U.N.] to carry out this test. The test was very provocative. They were designed to elicit Iraqi defiance.”

Ritter claimed that Richard Butler, executive chairman of the Unscom, conferred with the Clinton administration’s national security staff on how to write his report of noncompliance before submitting it to the U.N. Security Council. He said the White House wanted to ensure the report contained sufficiently tough language on which to justify its decision to bomb Iraq.

He cited two inspections as proof that the US wanted to provoke Hussein. First, Mr. Ritter said that Unscom requested access to Ba’ath Party headquarters even though an intelligence report that ballistic missile parts were inside was three months old, and no longer accurate. He also said that Unscom chose to inspect a building of the Iraqi commission overseeing weapons development, even though intelligence reports said it was empty. The inspection of said building proved it was empty.

On December 18, 1998, Martin McLaughling of www.wsws.org wrote, “The actual record of UNSCOM activities shows virtually complete cooperation by Iraq with even the most provocative demands of the UN inspectors. UNSCOM inspectors carried out 299 visits to previously inspected sites and 128 visits to new sites during the period from November 15 to December 14. Of those 427 visits, there were a total of 5 in which they claim to have encountered “obstacles” from Iraq.

“These five incidents, the supposed cause for the massive US air strikes, include one instance where UN inspectors were kept waiting for 45 minutes, another where Iraqi officials sought to limit the number of inspectors to four, and two more where entry was denied at locations where the entire work force had gone home because it was Friday, a day of rest in many Moslem countries.”

Did Clinton deliberately goad the Iraqis into acting defiantly in order to justify military force, thereby knocking Lewinsky and Chinese-fundraising out of the news (at least temporarily?) There are several other Clinton reversals (“Our pile of shit” / “Helps us. He helps little fox.” / “Fine assistants help evil show” / “Afraid to damn the fox.”) and this one from Scott Ritter (“Our wrath won’t shake the fox”) which lend support to the idea that Desert Fox was a Wag the Dog show entirely created out of Clinton’s self-interest. And this famous reversal hardly inspires confidence in Clinton’s integrity: “I am a snake oil terrorist.”

Now let’s examine Clinton’s reversals relating to the death of Vincent Foster. For the past couple of years, David John Oates has stated that this reversal, “Silly hit. Nerves are worn. They killed to stay. Get out of it,” indicates that Clinton was at the very least complicit in Foster’s murder. Did Reverse Speech miss the mark in this case, or is there compellng evidence to support it?

Here is a list of some of the unanswered questions in the Vince Foster “suicide,” from https://www.pimall.com/nais/n.vfoster.html:

1. Small amount of blood found on site.
2. Large caliber handgun causes “Blow Back” which makes a mess. IE. heart keeps pumping blood well after bullet enters brain.
3. No bullet found, many Civil War bullets found.
4. No bone fragments found on site.
5. No palm prints on the gun grip.
6. No gun power burns on hand.
7. No teeth damage, after sucking on the gun barrel.
8. After walking 700′ in order to kill himself, no grass stains found on shoes.
9. No witnesses saw Mr. Foster.
10. No one heard a gun shot blast.
11. No finger prints on the trigger.
12. Mrs. Foster could not I.D. her husband’s hand gun.
13. The murder weapon, a 38 Cal. was a classic “Drop Gun” made from two different guns. Profiles a gun used for murder.
14. Body covered with carpet fibers.
15. Though death was said to be instantaneous, blood stains on face and body.
16. First cops on scene say body was laid out as if in casket, arms crossed.
7. While body laid on steep slope, Blood moved upward on face against gravity.
18. Crime scene photo’s are missing.
19. Police contradict each other on location of body.
20. FBI said park police made no errors.
21. Independent prosecutor Ken Starr’s Lead prosecutor resigned because he was vigorously kept from pursuing the case.
22. One of many witnesses, Pat Knowlton, was in the park one hour before they discovered the body. He saw a car with Arkansas plates, with intimidating men inside. He passed a polygraph test, yet was never questioned until months later, though he called police that day.
23. Witnesses harassed by strange well dressed men.
24. Suicide note presented by the White House was found to be a forgery by three handwriting experts.
25. FBI changed witnesses reports.
26. Phone call time discrepancies given by the White House.

Also, in April of 2000, WorldNetDaily reported, “A newly released certified copy of a Virginia medical report on Vincent Foster, whose controversial death was officially ruled a suicide, suggests that officials may have altered a copy of the report the Virginia Medical Examiner gave to Ken Starr and the Office of Independent Counsel of 1995.

The most recent copy of the certified report, obtained by WorldNetDaily, is clearly different from Starr’s copy.” To view this story in full, go to www.reversespeech.com/foster.

Finally, let’s examine the generally contemptuous view towards women that Clinton has espoused in reverse. When originally denying that he had any romantic relationship with Ms. Lewinsky, Clinton says in reverse, “F***ed the girl with a scab.” He also went on to say, “Had sex with an Oregon madame,” which is extremely important, considering that Lewinsky attended college in Oregon immediately prior to her affair with Clinton (NOTE: this reversal was made public a number of MONTHS before anyone knew about the Lewinsky scandal). We all know now that Clinton did have an affair with Lewinsky; this was yet another instance of Reverse Speech unveiling the truth (and the lies) before the facts were made public.

Another Clinton reversal is especially interesting, considering the allegations of Willey, Paula Jones, and Juanita Broderick: “Make her swallow. You trash. An easy role/roll.” Clinton often refers to women as animals and/or objects in reverse, and this shouldn’t surprise anyone even vaguely familiar with his real-life track record. Long before anyone had heard of Lewinsky, Jones, et al, there was a prostitution scandal in Little Rock, AK, allegedly involving Clinton. A former Clinton bodyguard has stated that the then governor, along with several other high-ranking Arkansas officials, was being heavily blackmailed by the proprietors of a lucrative prostitution ring. This bodyguard has said that Clinton was complicit in the arson of said brothel, as well as the murder of several prostitutes. These are obviously extraordinary allegations which are made impossible to prove the by the short life-expectancies of important witnesses.

This is where Reverse Speech comes in to play. Unfortunately, before the reversals of a man like Bill Clinton will have any tangible effect on public opinion, the science will need to be far more widely accepted than it is today. There are even some who believe that the power structure of our country is not only aware of RS’ revelatory powers, but have taken steps to squash it. David John Oates, the founder and developer of Reverse Speech technology, recently published on his site (www.reversespeech.com):

“We believe…(the) accuracy rate of Reverse Speech, and the truth it has exposed in the past and still threatens to expose in the future, is the reason why the founder and discoverer of Reverse Speech, David John Oates, has been hounded and stalked with arson house fires, assassination attempts, law suits and public smear campaigns (well documented on this site). David claims he has many other reversals on Clinton of this nature but will not post them for fear of his safety and the future of Reverse Speech which is still too young yet to be without its founder.”

If you believe this theory, then these Clinton reversals will likely send a chill down your spine: “Send away Oates,” and “Seal the mouth of Oates.

I don’t know if Bill Clinton and other lecherous men like him are afraid of Reverse Speech, but they certainly should be. The science is an irrepressible miracle of wonder that is gaining tremendous momentum in the popular culture. It’s not a question of “if” the science will be accepted, but when. I hope for Slick Willy’s sake, the statute of limitations have run out before his day of reckoning arrives.

Most of my reversals can be heard at https://reversespeech.s3.amazonaws.com/goodsp.htm

(Also, all of the reversals quoted in this article can be heard on the Clinton pages of this website.)

Post Script. Found on a BBS. Side comments are those of an unknown poster.

Panel: Revoke Clinton’s law license
By Naftali Bendavid
The Chicago Tribune

May 23, 2000 1:19 PM EDT

WASHINGTON — Citing “serious misconduct,” an Arkansas disciplinary panel has recommended that President Clinton be disbarred for giving misleading testimony about his relationship with Monica Lewinsky — an unprecedented and stinging rebuke of a sitting president.

** Ooops there goes another problem kerplop!

The decision by the Arkansas Supreme Court Committee on Professional Conduct is the first step toward stripping Clinton of his law license and another embarrassment stemming from the Paula Jones sexual harassment case. Clinton was impeached by the House and acquitted at a Senate trial, and he also has been fined for contempt of court.

** Legacy going in the wrong direction! Yikes!

A judge must decide whether to accept Monday’s recommendation. If it is accepted, the president can appeal to the state Supreme Court — and he said that’s exactly what will happen.

** Well of course he will, he’s got about a billion dollars in his legal defense fund! Please send “lawyers, guns and money!”

Clinton said the committee — five lawyers in private practice and a retired schoolteacher — was responding too harshly to testimony that he has labeled as “legally accurate.”

** Hahahahahahaha! Dejavu all over! hehehehehehe!

“The only reason I agreed even to an appeal of this is, my lawyers looked at all the precedents and they said, “There’s no way in the world if they just treat you like everybody else has been treated, that this is even close to that kind of case,”‘ he said on “NBC Nightly News.”

** NBC (Needs Bill Clinton…Badly!)

“We’re going to give the judge a chance to do what we believe is right, and I think that’s the right thing to do,” said Clinton, who will not personally defend himself because it would interfere with his duties as president.

** In otherwords “Oh Janet! What do we have on this guy?”

Clinton has been a licensed lawyer since Sept. 7, 1973, was attorney general of Arkansas from 1977-79 and once taught at the University of Arkansas law school. He has not practiced law since the early 1980s, between his first and second terms as Arkansas governor.

** No money in it!

At issue is his testimony in the lawsuit filed against him by Jones, a former state employee who said Clinton exposed himself to her and made a sexual advance in a Little Rock hotel room in 1991. Jones lawyers’ drew Lewinsky into the case in an attempt to show a pattern of sexual misconduct by Clinton, a trail later picked up by independent counsel Kenneth Starr that led to Clinton’s impeachment.

In his January 1998 deposition, Clinton said: “I have never had sexual relations with Monica Lewinsky,” explaining the relationship did not meet the definition of sex that was given at the start of the deposition.

** Words of wisdom that set “women’s rights” back a couple centuries! Depends on how you define “rights”…I guess!

However, he acknowledged on Aug. 17, 1998, before a federal grand jury — and again in a nationally televised address — that he had an inappropriate relationship with Lewinsky.

** but we were supposed to have forgotten that by now! Put it behind us so that he could go about doing the work of the people! Right?

The conservative Southeastern Legal Foundation and U.S. District Judge Susan Webber Wright, who presided over the Jones case, filed complaints against Clinton with the Arkansas committee.

The foundation wanted Clinton disbarred; Wright — who last year cited Clinton for contempt and fined him $90,000 for giving “intentionally false” testimony — did not suggest a specific penalty from the panel. Wright dismissed the Jones lawsuit, which was later settled on appeal by Clinton for $850,000 without any admission of wrongdoing.

** $ 850K! Just so he wouldn’t have to admit it! Must have learned that from Ted Kennedy!

In a letter to the state Supreme Court, committee executive director James Neal, said the disbarment recommendation was “a result of the formal complaints … and the findings by a majority of the committee that certain of the attorney’s conduct, as demonstrated in the complaint, constituted serious misconduct,” in violation of state rules governing lawyers.

Committee chairman Ken Reeves said that committee members “voted their convictions.”

“Obviously, it would have been easier to do something less,” he said. Matt Glavin, president of the Southeastern Legal Foundation, applauded the committee’s decision.

“This is a confirmation that the legal system will police its own, regardless of the position held by the attorney in question,” he said. “Remember, this is the first time in American history that a sitting president faced disciplinary proceedings.”

The committee has 14 full-time members — lawyers and nonlawyers — who sit in panels of seven. Because of Clinton’s widespread connections throughout the state, eight of the panelists bowed out before Friday’s meeting, most of them citing potential conflicts of interest.

** Or, you know what happens to those that are too close to the President…they tend to kill themselves!

** What will the state of Arkansas do now? Hmmmmmmm…
