Reverse Speech – The New Frontier



For more than a decade, Fundamentalist Christian groups have been labeling Rock and Roll music as the work of the devil. As a part of their claims, they have stated that hidden messages exist on these records that can only be heard when the recordings are played backwards. Some of these messages are intentionally placed by the recording studio as a publicity gimmick, but most are not, occurring involuntarily as a reversal of the forward lyrics’ phonetic structure. These messages, according to the Fundamentalists, have been orchestrated by none other than Satan himself for the purpose of brainwashing the youth of society into worshipping him or taking drugs or engaging in illicit sexual activity.

In 1984, I started a private research project into the phenomenon and was later joined by other associates: Secondary school English teacher and aboriginal affairs worker, Greg Albrecht; Computer technician, Ian Matthews; Psychologist, Marcus Tomlian; Barrister, James Rossiter; Consultant, Dr. Timothy Pascoe; Hypnotist and NLP Trainer, John Suess.

It was our aim to sort out the mystery behind these reversed messages. Did they exist and if so, what did they mean and what was their source? We had no idea when we first commenced our research that what we were to eventually discover had the potential to turn society’s knowledge of language and how the mind works with language, into a world-shaker!


Our research began with music from the 1920s and moved up through the years to 1980. All our original analysis was done with reel-to-reel recorders that played both forwards and backwards at variable speeds. Our findings were meticulously documented, both on master recording reels and computer logs. In looking for reversed phrases, we had several criteria in mind. First, all reversed words had to be perfectly clear and precise. No best guesses. We particularly noted the letters at the beginnings and endings of words and the syllable count of a suspected reversed phrase.

A reversed phrase was then verified using the following procedures with three different groups of people, before being logged. No group knew what part of the task they would be performing and each testing typically included ten separate phrases dubbed onto tape at three different speeds…

First Group: the phrase was played to them as a “control” phrase. That is, they were told to hear something that was not there. All results were negative.

Second Group: the phrase was played to them without prompting for the interpretation. Most people were able to discern accurately several key words in the reversed phrase after two listenings with accurate recognition of between 50-90%.

Third Group: the phrase was played to them and they were told what the phrase was. Positive results were achieved on nearly test.

The conclusions that we subsequently drew from our initial research into music was that these reversed phrases did exist. Their appearance backwards was beyond conscious control, occurring by the particular way that the sounds of speech were formed at that instant in time. The same sentence said at another time, would not necessarily produce the same reversal. The reversals were determined by the way the sounds were formed and delivered at the moment of speaking.

The subject matter of the reversed phrases was quite diverse ranging from God to Satan, Love + Hate, Sex and Drugs, Power and Charity. Many reversed phrases consisted of long, coherent sentences that could not be explained by mere coincidence. In point of fact, they represented the entire range of human experience.

Another common observation was that the reversed phrases were complementary with the forward content. If the song was about the Occult, the reversals would be about the Occult; if the song was about love, then the reversals would be about love, etc. Also noted was a high proportion of metaphoric imagery that bore striking similarities to the works of Carl Jung and his theory of “The Collective Unconscious”.


From this foundation, we then began to research normal spoken speech. We first looked at some famous world events. Two notable examples are…..

(1) Neil Armstrong’s first words on the moon. “That’s one small step for man.” In reverse, this became Man will space walk.

(2) A live commentary of the President Kennedy Assassination, -right at the point where the commentator realizes that there had been a shooting, a clear reversal can be heard that says He’s shot bad. Hold it! Try and look up!

(3) Another example of a more revealing nature can be heard on Lee Harvey Oswald’s being interviewed in New Orleans PRIOR to the Kennedy assassination: Oswald angry. Hear them. Wish to kill President.

From famous world speeches, we moved onto normal conversation and discovered another world of Reverse Speech altogether. We initially noted that reversed phrases were prolific in backward conversational recordings, occurring approximately once every 15 seconds of conversation. We noted that the reversed phrases ran about 20% faster than normal forward speech and were usually no more than 2 seconds in length – being easily missed by the untrained ear.

We noted the same theme found in music. The reversed phrases usually related to the forward topic or subject matter. They could sometimes confirm it, other times deny it and other times add extra information to it. For example…..

Forwards: “I went to the shop today.”

Reverse 1: “I have just been to the shop” (Confirming from a different perspective)

Reverse 2: “I bought some bread.” (Adds extra information)

Reverse 3: “I did not go to the shop.” (Contradictory)

Initial studies are giving us strong evidence to suspect that when a reversed phrase contradicts a forward phrase, it is the reversed phrase that is the true statement.

Another significant observation was that the frequency of reversal occurrence will vary depending on the setting. In highly charged and emotional states, they will be prolific – usually 1 reversal every 2-3 seconds; in normal conversations usually 1 per 15-20 seconds; and in long monologues, once every 30-60 seconds. This was a constant theme in every tape analyzed from a wide cross-section of randomly chosen speech recordings.


The most striking observation of all was the appearance in reverse of entire reversed conversations. That is: questions being asked in reverse and subsequently being answered by another party. These reversed conversations were sometimes long and involved with dozens of exchanges back and forth over several minutes. This lead us to hypothesize that reversed phrases could be understood and processed, at least on an unconscious level.

To test this hypothesis, we conducted two Electroencephalograph tests. The tests involved the playing of ten 30-second sound tracks forwards to 30 “blind” independent subjects. They were played the tape, their brain functions were monitored on EEG and the results subsequently analyzed by specialized computer programming. The results were amazing.

Every time that a speech reversal occurred, there was rapid activity between the left and right brain hemispheres. Also, different parts of the brain showed stimulation depending upon the subject matter of the reversal. This seemed to clearly indicate that the unconscious comprehension of speech reversals was possible.

The question was posed: “Does the existence of Reverse Speech explain aspects of intuition or ESP? Are we receiving these insights through the speech reversals of those around us?”


As part of our research, we have been monitoring the language development of my fraternal twin girls. From as young as four months of age, these children have been saying simple words in reverse: Mummy, Daddy, Hungry, Help etc. At seven months of age, simple reversed phrases began to appear in the reversals. Two notable examples are…

(1) A twin was reaching for the tape recorder and said in reverse, What’s that?

(2) On another occasion, the other twin was being disciplined by her mother and she looked over to me for help. In her cries was heard the reversal, Daddy hurts.

By the time the children reached two years of age, their reversals had become quite complex and were beginning to combine with the rapidly developing forward dialogue – thus creating a bi-level communication process. For example, a twin came to me for a cuddle and said (forwards) “I want a cuddle.” In reverse, she said, I love you – a congruent reversal that also adds extra information. Why does she want a cuddle? She loves me.


As a result of all the tests and research that we have undertaken, we are personally convinced that Reverse Speech is a valid and real phenomenon. We note that speech reversals will appear in pauses and stammerings of speech and also in rapid alterations of speech tonality. We note the many correlations with the nature of Reverse Speech to the assumed functions of the right brain hemisphere.

We note that it is commonly thought that dialogue construction occurs in the left brain (very little effect on the occurrence of speech reversals) and tonal input occurs in the right brain (vast effect on the occurrence of speech reversals). We also note the rapid increase in speech reversals as right brain hemisphere activity increases; we note the appearance of dream-like metaphoric imageries (dreams come from the right brain) and, combined with the results of the EEG testing, we propose that Reverse Speech is a right brain hemisphere function.


As a result of these very significant research findings, we have concluded that the process of spoken language is two-fold and that these reversals result from a previously undiscovered natural function of the human mind. We have formulated what we call the “Theory of Reverse Speech And Speech Complementarity.” It may be described in the following manner.

(1) Human speech has two distinctive and complementary functions and modes. The Overt mode is spoken forwards and is constructed by conscious cognitive process. The Covert mode is spoken simultaneously with the Overt mode, is a reversal of the forward speech sounds, and is constructed by automatic cognitive processes.

(2) These two modes of speech are dependent upon each other. They form an integral part of communication. In the dynamics of interpersonal communication, both modes of speech communicate the total psyche of the person – conscious and unconscious.

(3) The process of language development in children starts backwards before it does forwards. Children first develop the Covert mode of communication and then, as Overt speech begins, these two modes of speech gradually combine into one, forming a bi-level communication process.


The implications of our findings are far-reaching and profound. To put it simply, the mind, with all its multi-layers, is no longer silent. We have discovered a reliable and readily available means to access the human mind. Reverse Speech is the voice of the unconscious, the inner self, the naked “I” -beyond all barriers, masks and pretenses. Everything that we are now, everything that we have been in the past, and even small glimpses into our future can all be found in Reverse Speech. Its applications in psychotherapy alone are endless.

I have been experimenting with Reverse Speech in a therapeutic setting for four years now. Previously the main problem facing therapists has been to pin-point the precise nature and cause of a client’s problem. This process alone can often take many months, even years, before effective and long-lasting change work can be instigated. With Reverse Speech, it is possible to access this information in just one half-hour recording session. Using Reverse Speech prompting techniques developed over the last few years, it is possible to conduct a session in such a way that precise areas can appear in speech reversals. Some example are:

(1) A woman with personal inhibitions for many years believed that an event happened to her at around the age of three, that had precipitated her behavioral difficulties. Speech reversals were prompted that gave a detailed description of her Grandfather molesting her, I would give him a stiffy; He came on top of me. (“stiffy” is Australian slang for an erection). They also revealed the subsequent psychological damage that it had done to her, It broke my whirl; It hinders my face.(“whirl” is metaphoric for energy; “face” is metaphoric for “the real self”).

Knowing the exact cause of this woman’s problem and the effects that it had upon her, effective remedy was relatively simple using NLP techniques.

(2) A young male student had been suffering severe chest pains for several weeks that hindered his movements and study at school. Heart problems were suspected, yet despite extensive medical tests, no cause for the pain could be located and the pain continued to increase. Speech Reversals revealed a strong psychological cause for the disease and even pin-pointed the reasons and time when it first commenced.

For example, as he talked about the time when the pain first occurred, a reversal appeared that said, I wanted it. As he discussed the pain further, reversals appeared showing strong feelings towards his natural father whom he rarely saw: This rubbish cost him. He lost his son / This is a rip in the garden / Father, he ruined me. (“Garden” is metaphoric for the deep spiritual part of us). Other reversals revealed things he was missing in his life. For example, as he talked about playing board games, a reversal appeared that said, I miss nanny. This boy used to play games with his nanny a lot, but had not been doing so lately.

As a result of these and many other reversals found in this session, I held a joint discussion with the boy’s mother and step-father. For the first time, the boy was able to talk openly about how he felt without threat. The speech reversals did it for him! The boy’s parents listened very carefully to the messages they were now being given from their son’s unconscious mind through speech reversals. They acted upon every suggestion and just two short weeks later, the boy’s life had improved dramatically and the pain had completely vanished. As of the time of writing, there has been no reoccurrence and the youth is happy and well (one year later).

Speech reversals have already been used by both Australian and American police in their investigations. Unfortunately, due to legal restrictions, I am unable to give details of these cases other than the fact that reversals have revealed the location of key pieces of evidence needed for a charge to be laid, as well as revealing names of accomplices and motives for the crime.

Discussions have taken place with some sections of the police force and legal fraternities concerning the admissibility of Reverse Speech in court. The general feeling received is, yes, reversals could be used in a court of law, but it would take a few trial cases first. With more understanding of the nature of Reverse Speech and a greater degree of acceptance from the authorities, the lie detector may well become obsolete!



Have you ever experienced an occasion when you were talking to someone, but it seemed as though something far deeper was transpiring other than the conversation itself? You may have felt emotions that were separate from those openly discussed or felt you knew something of the other person, but were not aware how you gained that knowledge. A variety of differing perceptions can be unconsciously exchanged while interacting with each other. We call this “Intuition”.

Reverse Speech contains many answers for Intuition or this “Extra Sense of Perception”. With Reverse Speech, we can actually study unconscious signals of expression taking place as directions and commands, questions and responses, as they are exchanged as speech reversals. Just as we communicate with each other on a conscious level with overt forward speech, we are also communicating with each other on an unconscious level with covert Reverse Speech.

The entire psyche of the person is intricately woven within the sounds of speech. We express the person we are with multiple varying speech sounds that increase in complexity the more emotionally charged or expressionistic we become. Our speech sounds can be influenced by many factors including tonality, cadence, emotional charge, state of being, rapport, etc. All of these variations have a direct effect upon the formulation of speech reversals. As speech variations increase, so do speech reversals, flowing with increased regularity the more spontaneous we become.

When forward conversation begins to flow with a comfortable ease of expression between two people, individual speech reversals also begin to interact with each other. The process of unconscious communication commences as an exchange of ideas and perceptions that flow in and out of conversation.

Consider the following interaction where the ‘covert’ speech reversal that is ‘nested simultaneously within’ the ‘overt’ forward dialogue is obviously one with and a part of the entire conversational flow. It is a portion of a conversation that occurred between myself and a friend as we were discussing a broken stereo.

[Note: (1) The phrases in brackets – [ ] – denote the actual words that contained the speech reversal; (2) All reversed dialogue is indicated with bold type; (3) When viewing the forward dialogue, it should be realized that the formulation of speech reversals have nothing to do with reversing the words or letters but are caused through reversing the phonetic SOUNDS of speech as they were spoken at the particular instant in time captured on audio tape. Forward dialogue is indicated to assist with the examination of complementary relationships only.]

Friend (comment directed to David): “[I’m really upset about my broken stereo]. Will it work?” David, I’d like you to fix it.”

David (immediate response): “If it doesn’t, I’ll fix it for you.”

Note the sequence of events. My friend discusses the stereo but has other thoughts in mind. These thoughts are expressed as a soft reversed command. I respond to both modes of communication (forward and reverse) and actually use her previous reversed words in my forward reply.


The following example shows the process of reversed communication in greater detail. The speech reversals are taken from a session I conducted with a female client. On a surface level, we were interacting well as we discussed reversals found on a previous session. However, there were strong tensions between us that I could not understand – so strong, in fact, that I left feeling unsettled and distressed. Something had transpired between us and I didn’t know what it was. The reversals that I later found show the actual process of unconscious interactions taking place and graphically display the reason for the tensions we had. For the purpose of this example, only the reversed dialogue that occurred during the last five minutes of conversation has been shown.

David: She does not trust me
Woman: I believe you can’t be trusted
David: Well, why?
Woman: That’s messing me
Woman: You make it up
David: Not trust me
David: You lousy shit
David: I need a cigarette
Woman: I’m upset
David: I need wisdom
Woman: I’ve seen wisdom
Woman: I don’t believe there’s much on Earth

In brief, what had transpired was that my client had doubts about both me and Reverse Speech. Although she did not express this consciously, she expressed it unconsciously through speech reversals. I received her lack of trust and responded with aggression.


We can learn much about the dynamics of interpersonal relationships through a detailed study and understanding of the many patterns contained in Speech Reversals. One pattern that has emerged from our analysis of reversals found in successful therapeutic situations is an ongoing attitude of support for the client evident is reversed phrases such as: “Lovely Person“, “I love you“, “Kiss the woman“, “You have the power“, “Feel important“.

In fact the ongoing therapeutic process, its successes, failures and growing edges, can be of great benefit to client and therapist when viewed through the medium of speech reversals. For example, in a therapy session conducted by a psychotherapist with a young woman who had recently attempted suicide, an undercurrent of communication was transpiring that was not appropriate for the client/therapist relationship.

At one stage during the session in an attempt to get a response, the young woman told the therapist that she was going to go away for a week. This seemingly innocent statement was in reality a demand for emotional attachment, as the reversal reveals.. ..

You’re mum. Lousy woman! I need. You’re mother too.

A co-dependent relationship was invited. The therapist recognized the invitation.

Therapist: “[I would have no concerns] about you doing that. It’s not an issue.” She wants me. I’m nude. (The response of “I’m nude” is metaphoric which had a broad sense of unwanted personal exposure).

Woman (immediate): “[It’ll just be a bit of space], time.” You’re sexy. Be with me. (Continual demands for involvement.)

Therapist: “Being alive is a very fragile business from time to time, but I had a sense that you’re not giving [a departure cue].” Murder not! (The therapist ignores the demands, and delivers a reversed command.)

Note the entire reversed interaction.

Woman: You’re mum. Lousy woman. I need. You’re mother too
Therapist: She wants me. I’m nude
Woman: You’re sexy. Be with me
Therapist: Murder not!

Therapeutic relationships can be seen with speech reversals. In the preceding situation, a co-dependent relationship was evident. The therapist was unwilling to meet this need. She side-steps it in reverse, giving a command that addresses the real issue, “Murder not”!

Reversals have the potential to reveal true motives and needs that are unspoken, yet often felt forwards.

Another theme unfolding as we continue our research is the ability reversals have to reveal the extent of a client’s internal congruency. Congruency can be easily ascertained by comparing the reversed dialogue with the forwards. If both communicate similar messages, we can surmise that the person has some level of congruency. However, if the messages are contradictory, conflict may exist, producing incongruity. The following examples illustrate this point.


“I am coping with this situation because I am aware of the causes.” Know this. Makes a good person. Headed on


“I really do love my husband. He sometimes cooks the dinner.” Lousy person, no freedom

Speech reversals provide a feedback system for the client, allow the psychotherapist to verify the effectiveness of his counseling techniques, reveal the dynamics of client/counselor relationship and enable the psychotherapist to obtain tangible evidence of the nature of the therapeutic relationship. Should the psychotherapist not be accurately tracking, reversals are delivered both by the client and psychotherapist revealing what actually transpired.

Here is an actual example of this. The reversals quoted are taken from a therapy session conducted by an Australian psychotherapist. For the purpose of this illustration, the reversals have been removed from their therapeutic setting and selected portions of them have been linked together. Side issues have been removed but the reversed dialogue and the order of their occurrence is preserved. Note the cryptology of the reversed dialogue, the dynamics of the interaction and how the therapist leads the patient into a more positive frame of mind and self-awareness. The words in brackets – ( ) – did not actually occur but are implicit with the Speech Complementarity involved.

Patient: When I make love, I slip down. (I’m) ashamed of what I say

Therapist: (Say), I’m a person. I feel important

Patient: Less shame. Problem. (I’m) Nude. (I) mustn’t murder. Still Nude. More spirit. I’ll have an affair. I upset me. (It) makes me nude

Therapist: Now I see this person’s shame

Patient: I make my misery. I’m not happy now

Therapist: Least the sources are happy

Patient: Best to shoot

Therapist: How selfish. Faking your wisdom. That’s enough

Patient: Shame, ‘cos I feel lousy person

Therapist (Trance inductions): You feel wisdom. Use snow. Enough pain. Whirlwind I can feel it. Now no running. Escape with me. Don’t you feel shame. It’ll be fun. It’s your faith

Patient: I’m still scared. I am (a) sinner ‘cos I fell. I still need wisdom

Therapist: Your wisdom’s involved. I will serve wisdom. (Your) nerves have won

Patient: (I) must not shoot making love. I see evil rotting. What will I say. Run

Therapist: You don’t need now to run


As research into Reverse Speech continues, it is becoming increasingly apparent that reversals can revolutionize the psychotherapeutic process in many ways. It could shorten months of therapy as speech reversals pinpoint exact and precise areas that the therapist needs to work with. Speech reversals will also confirm the effectiveness of some counseling approaches and negate the effectiveness of others as they reveal the dynamics of the interaction.

This appears to be a significant milestone as humanity endeavors to greatly understand the human psyche and its intricacies.



In brief, I have so far stated that:

(1) The process of spoken communication is two-fold. Inherent in the nature of language, there exists another hidden form of communication or “Reverse Speech”.

(2) Whilst forward speech is, for the most part, under our own conscious control, Reverse Speech is involuntary in nature and stems from deeper parts of our psyche.

(3) Reversed phrases are imbedded into our overall vocal patterns and are determined by many variables including tonality, cadence, emotional charge, rapport, etc.

(4) The Reverse Speech process plays an intricate part in our relationships with each other. It is communicative in nature and its existence may explain many aspects of human intuition.

(5) It has the ability to reveal deeper thought processes and unconscious concerns of the speaker, thus providing humanity with a new and unique opportunity to access deeper parts of ourselves.

(6) It is complementary with the forward dialogue. Reversed phrases will always relate in some way to what has been spoken forward, either by content or emotional relationship.

Now, I wish to discuss some objections that have been raised concerning its existence and explore some of the deeper aspects of this phenomenon.


With every new area of research there are always objections and unanswered questions to overcome. In the case of Reverse Speech, the main objections lie in the research procedure itself. These include….

(1) Imagination – it is possible to hear almost anything you like in a jumble of meaningless sounds.

(2) Coincidence – the nature of phonemes is such that if a tape is played backwards, meaningful sounds will appear at random.

To reduce the possibility of imagination, strict criteria have been established to test the validity of a reversed phrase. A reversal must meet seven checking points before it can be considered valid. These include…

(1) It must be phonetically correct with clearly definable letters

(2) It must have a clearly distinguishable syllable structure

(3) The reversed phrase must be recognizable by other independent parties with negative results following the suggestion of a ‘control phrase’ (a reversed phrase that does not exist).

Within these confines, significant factors have emerged that reduce the probability of imagination.

(1) The same tape has been analyzed by other trained parties with identical reversed phrases being found.

(2) Consistent calibration signals have been noted on video recordings that are an indicator that a reversal is occurring.

(3) Confirmable details of a person’s life (including names, locations and events) have been found in reverse with no conscious knowledge of these details by the researcher.

Regarding the objection of coincidence, several facts exist that make this unlikely…

(1) The consistent nature of similar content of both the forward and reversed dialogue – where a reversed phrase will either complement the forward dialogue, contradict it, expand upon it or correct some language violations it may contain.

(2) The highly predictable conversational conditions under which the phenomenon occurs – ranging from 1 reversal every 2-3 seconds for highly charged situations to 1 reversal every 2-3 minutes for prepared speeches. The occurrence of speech reversals is directly dependent upon the nature of the conversation. If reversed phrases were to occur by coincidence only, then it could be expected that their appearance would be uniform throughout any randomly selected example of speech. This is not the case.


Reverse Speech appears in a variety of differing patterns and language styles. To facilitate quick reversal interpretation and analysis, I have divided these many patterns into three main levels with each level containing several sub-categories.

The “FIRST LEVEL” of Reverse Speech describes those reversals that use normal English and colloquial phrases. It is presumed that these reversals stem from the conscious area of the mind and reveal thought processes that are in, or just below, conscious awareness. Here are some examples….

(1) In the following situation, my eight-year-old son was asking me to get him some videos to watch. “I want to see video A! I haven’t seen video A or video B. Let’s get them. [Yeah! let’s see them.]” REVERSAL I’ve seen both of them (The reversal relates directly to the forward dialogue yet communicates an opposing statement. (I haven’t seen them / I’ve seen both of them). This type of reversal has been entitled under the sub-category of CONTRADICTORY REVERSALS. As is common with Contradictory Reversals, it is the reversed statement that is the true reflection.

(2) In the following example, a group of friends are playing a game of Trivial Pursuits. “Initials? C.L. [You won’t get it.] Oh, you might, but I doubt it.” REVERSAL Tell me what it is. This reversal communicates a similar concept, reinforcing the forward challenge. It is entitled a “CONGRUENT REVERSAL.”

The “SECOND LEVEL” of Reverse Speech describes those reversals that use metaphoric imageries in their statements, that portray the “operations” of the mind. It is commonly presumed that Second Level reversals stem from the unconscious area of the mind, or those portions of the mind below conscious awareness. Second level reversals will often reveal deep emotions and use terminology like “SURF, NAKED, FACE, PROGRAM, FIRE, SWORD, SHOOT,” etc. These metaphors will also appear in sub-groups, or several metaphors relating to each other.

One sub-group includes the words, “SURF, OCEAN, REEF, SHIP, HELM,” etc. A speaker may describe his life’s journey and experiences in reversed metaphors that draws comparisons with the captain of a ship, navigating through the many hazards that are encountered in his voyage.

In a session I recently conducted, my client delivered a reversals at the commencement of the session that said, “You take the helm“, indicating his uncertainty and lack of confidence as we commenced our session. Later in the session, as he discussed problems in his life, he delivered a reversal that said “My ship has struck a reef” – and, towards the end of our session as he was feeling more confident, he delivered a reversal that said, “I will control the helm“.

“SECOND LEVEL” reversals can also be experiential in nature. That is, they will relate directly to personal experience, using a term from one’s past that has strong emotions attached to it. In a session I conducted with a person talking about guilt he felt over certain events in his life, a reversal was delivered that said “Hilda knows it all”. It was later discovered that Hilda was a person living next to him when he was a young child who used to scold him. Hilda had become a metaphor for this person, depicting his conscience and sense of guilt, with the one word, “Hilda”, communicating a variety of concepts and feelings.

The “THIRD LEVEL” of Reverse Speech is the most fascinating and revealing. These reversals will use deep metaphors or “Structural Metaphors” (sometimes called archetypes). They appear to stem from the deepest portions of the human mind or “The Deep Structure”. Third Level speech reversals can describe the “structure” of the psyche, including personality structure and behavioral patterns. “Structural Metaphors” have a sense of “life” about them and will often speak in terms of warfare, strategies and decision-making within the deep self.

Many similarities can be drawn between Reverse Speech third level metaphors and those documented by psychiatrist Carl Jung and his theory of the “Collective Unconscious.” Some common Structural Metaphors are, “WHIRLWIND, SATAN, GOD, WOLF, LANCELOT, GODDESS” etc.

“WHIRLWIND” appears in many religious writings and is described in them as a source of power or energy. In a session I conducted with a person who had significant emotional and mental disturbances, a reversal appeared that said, “See my busted Whirlwind.” Whirlwind, or ‘energy’, will have different significances to different people depending on the context. In another session I conducted, every time a person talked about fear and loneliness, the word Whirlwind appeared in reverse. In other people, the word Whirlwind has been associated with work and in others again, Whirlwind appears associated with empathetic language.

“SATAN” appears frequently in situations involving conflicts of interest or perceived danger to our emotional and mental being. As a client once discussed intense negative influences placed upon him by another party, a reversal appeared that said “I feel the spell of Satan“. In another session, a young man was describing a damaging sexual encounter that he did not want but, nonetheless, did not fight against. A reversal appeared that said, “On with Satan. I never make war.”

“LANCELOT” is part of a significant group of reversals that relate to the legend of “King Arthur and The Knights Of The Round Table.” In a session I conducted with a woman in the midst of marital conflict, a reversal was found that described the emotional pain she felt inflicted upon her by her husband in metaphoric terms. “Lancelot hurt me with his spear.” Her `Knight In Shining Armor’ had developed a kink!

To summarize, speech reversals can be categorized into three main levels. All three levels have similar sub-categories. To date, I have documented eight main sub-categories that will appear in all three levels. Each level of reversal has its own distinct characteristics. First level reversals are the most common and can be lengthy. Second level reversals will often appear in a shortened format and Third Level reversals will often be extremely short and direct.

To give an idea of the differing levels of Reverse Speech, printed below is a simulated story told first of all in normal English – then retold in three separate frameworks. The language of First, Second and Third level speech reversals.

Story: “A while ago, I was walking in the park enjoying the sunshine, feeling really great when suddenly I was pounced upon by a mugger. I screamed for help and a man came running to my aid. The mugger was startled and ran off into the distance. I collapsed onto the ground in shock, crying and shaking. The man carried me to a park bench and stayed with me while I calmed down. As I gradually recovered and looked at this man, I felt instantly attracted to him. Later that night we went out to dinner. A few weeks later, he proposed to me and now we are planning our wedding. I’m very grateful to John for saving me from the mugger and I like him a lot. Marriage is certainly the logical thing to do.”

First Level Reversals: It seems like yesterday. The trees looked nice but the sun was too bright. What’s that!? I am afraid. Someone attacks. Help me! A man comes. He soothed me and he was nice. We saw each other again. He wants to marry me. Help! I don’t want to get married.

Second Level Reversals: My ship is on the ocean. The surf is high. I have struck a reef. I see a rescuer. I like his face. He comforts and my heart is soft. Yet I fear. I have lost my helm.

Third Level Reversals: I am in Eden. The Whirlwind is high. Satan attacks. I am bitten. Lancelot hast delivered. Am I now his slave?


One of the original challenges to arise, as I became increasingly confident with using Reverse Speech in therapeutic situations, was: “OK. What now? We know the problem, the source and the cause. What do we now do with it?” Herein lies what had previously been a perplexing question for me in my work with Reverse Speech.

There is no discipline more exact, exciting, thorough nor direct in revealing behavioral strategies than Reverse Speech. It is all too painfully effective and there have been many occasions when I am left with a client, who has just had the rug pulled out from underneath him, wondering what on earth they can do to fix it. Simply knowing the source of the problem is, in many cases, insufficient to effect change. Unfortunately, we were not issued with blueprints for the mind when we were born and the webs and connecting patterns are complex, to say the least.

Behavioral strategies can be deeply ingrained and very hard to shake. Many times, people’s operational and structural metaphors have been carefully etched into the psyche from early childhood. As the child adopts parent’s structural metaphors and creates ones of their own, the building blocks of the mind can become so complex that sometimes it seems that the only solution is to destroy the house and start all over again.

Take for example someone who has difficulties with relationships (based on a compilation of case studies). They may run a sabotage program whereby they fall rapidly in love and then suddenly become scared. Before too long, arguments begin, emotions are electric and the developing relationship collapses with an intensity that is frightening. The person may have run this pattern for years.

Reverse Speech analysis may reveal that he has a highly active “Wolf” (the part of the mind that is the primordial and instinctive hunter and protector.) At some time in the past, the person may have been deeply hurt by a close relationship (albeit parents, friends or lovers). The Wolf, whose job it is to protect the psyche, then becomes constantly on the hunt for similar situations that would also hurt. Recognizing a developing relationship situation, the Wolf may then switch off deep emotions and replace them with surface ones, thus causing the person to fall rapidly into a surface love. The person would not know that it is only surface because the wolf has switched off deeper emotions as a protection measure. The Wolf may then begin to test the new partner (remember, all of this is most likely on an unconscious level) to see whether the person is worthy, through a variety of subtle (sometimes not so subtle) methods. In the process of testing, the other person’s Wolf is activated (for whatever reasons and patterns of its own) and a self-protection game begins between the two parties. War has begun. The Wolf gets hurt. Warning bells ring and the relationship is terminated. But the Wolf knows that the person needs love because other operational metaphors are also crying out for attention, so it begins the process again. Thus, the cycle is set.

This is a very simple example. In practice, it is never that easy as operational and structural metaphors become deeply entwined with each other. Behavior becomes extremely complex as each part of the being attempts to be satisfied.

Unraveling it can become a major task. The first step is in understanding what each metaphor is endeavoring to communicate.

There is absolutely no doubt in my mind that Reverse Speech metaphors are a verbal description of some mental function or part of the mind. Nor is there any doubt over the Universal significance, or meaning, of each metaphor. I see them occurring time and time again in Reverse Speech in identical situations. While the methods and strategies they each use may be different, their basic purpose is the same.

Take for example, The Wolf. We know that it is the hunter. Individual patterns that each Wolf uses may be different but its basic purpose is still the same. The structural metaphor “Garden Of Eden” (sometimes appearing in the shortened version of “garden”) refers to our spiritual center, or source of knowledge and wisdom. The structural metaphor “Satan” refers to the part of us that delivers intense, over-bearing emotions that can be destructive. The “Goddess” is the healer, the part of beauty, the part that can be great. Each part works together to create the whole. The Goddess without the Wolf lacks strength and becomes weak and insipid. The Garden without Satan becomes unprotected – with too much Satan, it becomes warped and perverted. And so the list goes on.

So far, more than 50 structural metaphors and 300 operational metaphors have been documented in Reverse Speech. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. Every part of the being, with its own unique purpose, has a metaphor in Reverse Speech which is a descriptor, or reflection, of its function. The web of interconnecting parts within the mind becomes even greater still.

So knowing all of this, what can be done to instigate change?

Over the years, I have experimented with several different methods, including traditional counseling, NLP, hypnosis, alternate therapies, etc. All the time, I was searching for something unique. Something that Reverse Speech was all about. It was a constant and endless search, yet this is the way I have developed the entire Reverse Speech technology. Trial and Error. Scratch and see. Being open to recognizing mistakes and moving on to the next possibility.

Throughout this process a very exciting method of instigating behavioral change has slowly been emerging. To call it unique is not correct because it is a combination of everything. What is unique is the way the information is obtained, coupled with a differing approach to its significance and meaning.

I call the technique “Metaphor Restructuring.” Its basic premise states that the structural metaphors of Reverse Speech are constant universal parameters. They have been adopted through the process of Oral Tradition as verbal descriptors of complex images within the unconscious mind. These images come together in a variety of differing ways to create, or reflect, the whole individual.

To explain this further, let us suppose that in the previous example of the person sabotaging relationships, a reversal occurred describing her pattern that said: “My wolf works with Satan.” (Satan being the strong, destructive emotion that the wolf uses to protect her.) The basic principle of metaphor restructuring states that if the picture is inappropriate to achieve desired outcomes, then let us change the picture that the metaphor is describing. Maybe in the process of changing the picture the unwanted behavioral pattern may also change.

This is a wide and sweeping statement, but it was the premise that I followed in developing this technique. We are, in effect, going in the back door. Rather than attempting to change the pattern and monitoring the effectiveness of the change through the changing pictures (speech reversals), we are changing the pictures and watching the patterns change as a result. Amazingly, it works – and it works VERY rapidly and effectively. In fact, the success rate has been far beyond my wildest expectations .

It is a simple and highly effective method. The way I achieve it is simple. First, I conduct a Reverse Speech session with the person and locate the patterns with speech reversals. Then I place the person under a light hypnotic trance and quite literally tell them to create a picture of the reversal. Thus, the person whose “Wolf works with Satan,” might create an imaginary picture of a wolf working with an image of Satan. I then change the picture using other reversals. Suppose, for example, the person had stated elsewhere in the session that the “Wolf has no sword to find the garden” (sword meaning personal strength), then I would tell the person to create a picture of a sword, give the sword to the wolf, and let the wolf go on a “walkabout” (Aussie slang) to find the garden. Satan would be dealt with in some other manner, depending what had transpired in the speech reversals.

The technique sounds simple enough, but the steps needed to reach this final outcome are immense. The reversals located must be accurate (you don’t want to work with pictures that don’t exist), the reversal interpretation must be accurate and the patterns must be recognized precisely. It is NOT a technique for the Reverse Speech novice to use because by doing this, you are accessing the basic building blocks of the unconscious mind. In point of fact, I go into the process with great care and precision. I build into my trance inductions many safety commands. I would rather nothing happen than have the wrong thing happen.

However, all the work is worth it. I have people report back to me that they have had Shamanic experiences whilst doing the process. Others have said that it is the most powerful trance they have ever experienced (logical enough if we are indeed working with the basic building blocks of the mind). Many people report immediate and powerful changes in their life (see letter on page 4) and I have seen some people set completely free from burdens they have been carrying around for years.

Thus, we have a new and exciting process that I have entitled “Metaphor Restructuring.” It is the latest new arm of research with Reverse Speech still in its early developmental stages but evolved sufficiently enough for me to write this article. It uses people’s own reversals and metaphors to effect change. The technique is powerful and effective, yet still riddled with potential dangers. Nevertheless, the possibilities are exciting.

I have not intended to describe it in detail, just give a broad overview. However, for those people who don’t know what to do with their reversals, or those who have been working on an issue for years – there is light at the end of the tunnel. Change can be effected.

This is the continually evolving world of Reverse Speech.


Obviously, this article has only been a very brief overview of the phenomenon. Current research is mainly in the therapeutic area and the knowledge we are gaining concerning the inner workings of the mind as well as client/therapist relationships, is immense.

We have commenced initial experiments with hypnotherapy in an attempt to hear reversals consciously and already we have had some success. Future plans include the development of computer programming that would locate reversals for us.

This technology is currently only available to a handful of people, however we feel its significance is so profound that it must be introduced to a wider audience as soon as possible, so that others can become trained and proficient in using it.

Reverse Speech is a completely new technology from Australia that could lead the world into significant understandings of the human psyche. By understanding the images that speech reversals are giving us, we now have a quick, reliable and easily accessible means to access the human mind. Our own speech may very well hold the keys that will unlock the mind and it could be as simple as playing a tape backwards.

We are pioneering at the edge of a new frontier with Reverse Speech and can only guess what we will discover as our journey continues.

“David John Oates has made one of the great discoveries of all time. He has proven that man’s true-Self speaks in reverse. He has documented and developed the art, science and philosophy of Reverse Speech. He is in a class with Thomas Edison, Nicola Telsa, Albert Einstein and Alexander Graham Bell. David John Oates, like Bell, shortly after he invented the telephone, is confronted by many who are excited about his great discovery but are still asking, “What practical use is it?” I am amazed that anyone would ask such a question. My prediction is that Reverse Speech will revolutionize all aspects of human life. Most importantly, it will help us become truly congruent -saying what we mean, and meaning what we say. This is the basis of integrity and real mental health. If anyone deserves world- wide recognition, it’s David John Oates. We owe him an enormous debt of gratitude.” (Dr. Virgil Chrane, President, Alphabiotics International, 1990)
