Reverse Speech Analysis of Warren Buffett


Reverse Speech Analysis of Warren Buffett


Reverse Speech Analysis of Warren Buffett

This is a Reverse Speech analysis of Warren Edward Buffett who was born August 30, 1930 and is an American business magnate, investor and philanthropist. He is reportedly the most successful investor in the world and is also the chairman, CEO and largest shareholder of Berkshire Hathaway Inc. and is consistently ranked among the world’s wealthiest people.


Warren – “I went out to Alice Deal today, first time I’ve been there in 65 years and I met the principal, I went to [Wilson also today but] at Alice Deal I tried to get my record expunged.” – Abandoned the song slow.


Warren – “Say you know [I’m going to do this for] ten years, I really don’t like it really well, I’ll do ten more years of this, that’s a little like saving up sex for your old age.” – The silly dumb.


Warren – “He really was, he only taught [one semester, one] class and he came up from Wall Street.” – Now we’re famous now.


Warren – “[It was really a] lucky day, I was at the Columbia university library and I looked up Dan in Who’s Who in America.” – I live to do it.


Warren – “It’d be like walking down the street and finding a cigar butt, and there was one puff left in, it doesn’t cost anything and it was kind of [disgusting] but it didn’t cost anything.” – Give sex.


Warren – “So I’ve always looked at buying stocks as buying businesses so it really wasn’t a different situation now I [couldn’t resell it] and I couldn’t, if I owned the stock I couldn’t change management.” – The loss you look.


Warren – “I met him (Bill Gates) on July 5th 1991, Meg Greenfield who some of the people probably knew had a house out in Bainbridge Island right [there in Seattle].” – All lies good.


Warren – “So I, we’re [looking for the very] predictable and you won’t find the very predictable in what Bill does, you’ll find the more exciting things and things that will change society more.” – You rave with the people.


Warren – “Maybe in 1993 or something like that, we had a meeting, I think it was in Ireland at the time and I actually brought along [the gospel of wealth for] everybody to read.” – Your flow with a saga.


Warren – “My wife is good at that, she thought I should, she liked the idea of giving away, we both agreed on giving [away all the money], I mean, once we had everything we wanted and we’ve had everything we wanted.” – And I’m a liar.


Warren – “Everybody here, how much the federal government should be raising annually, an aggregate over the next ten years, the answers would come in somewhere between 18 and [a half and 19 and a half percent] which is close to what’s been the situation since world war 2.” – NASA plan and he’s beyond the fire.


Warren – “We have a system that works and it will keep working, [it may not work 6] times for the next 80 years but it will be two and half times.” – Kiss the girl, I lived on it.


Warren – “[Er, and we made] quite a bit of money on it, it was very cheap company, one of the huge oil companies in the world, the whole company was selling for 35 billion.” – Damn you my heart.


Warren – “I was lucky enough to have 2 terrific parents and they raised the 3 kids in a way that helped me enormously in life so when you got all that going for you I just don’t think you look back [and think about anything you would] change better, I’m thankful.” – Had the feeling that love will give.


Warren – “What Norman Davidson did for me changed my life and he didn’t have to do it, I walked in there as some 20 [year old kid on Saturday and he] spent 4 hours educating me and then he became a friend for life.” – He made the lesson, heartache worry.


Warren – “Tom Watson senior said I’m no genius but I’m smart is spots and I stay around those spots, [you know, and, and,] and there’s a lot to that.” – They spend that money.


Warren – “I don’t enough time to spend the rest of my life negotiating with people so I tell them what I’ll do and [if its works fine], if it doesn’t work fine.” – Then I’ll screw with it.


Warren – “It sounds obnoxious but I thought I was going to be pretty hot, I went through this period at Wilson, Woodrow [Wilson, where I], I was really bad at Alice Deal but I was kind of working out of Woodrow Wilson, and these teacher I caused some trouble to and they didn’t think I knew much about stocks.” – My arrow was slow.


Warren – “So when I was feeling particularly obnoxious, I shorted a little AT&T and brought the confirmation, showed it [to the teachers, they worry] a little.” – My old man sure shit with them.