Ted Cruz

Ted Cruz


Cruz – “My mother is an Ameri[can citizen by] birth and, and it’s been federal law for, for over two centuries that the child of American citizen born abroad, is a citizen by birth…” – I’m the citizen.


Cruz – “Imagine, another little girl, living in Africa in Kenya, Nigeria. This is a diverse crowd. [Playing with kids they spoke Swahili she spoke] English.” – Officially our spots make them yell.


Cruz – “Well you know those numbers, uh, don’t tell the whole picture. For one [thing the bulk of] those numbers are coming from expanded medicaid…” – Recalled the myth.


Cruz – “..my mother is very soft spoken but she’s strong willed and, and, and very bright [and she stood up to her Dad, she] battled her father.” – The shadows politician.


Cruz – “..imagine repealing every word of common core. (Audience Cheers) Imagine embracing school choi[ces the civil rights issue of the next gener]ation.” – When I scan the bullshit they will mess with it.