Reinhold Richard “Reince” Priebus Reversals

Reince Priebus

Reince Priebus is an American attorney and politician who is currently the chairman of the Republican National Committee. He has previously served on the RNC (Republican National Committee) general counsel, and was once the chairman of the Wisconsin Republican Party. He is credited with helping to bring nationally known figures such as Paul Ryan, now Speaker of the House and governor Scott Walker into power on the state level.



Morning of the Wisconsin Election April 5, 2016


Priebus – “.. First of all, just so everyone knows, I, I talked to all the [candidates and I meet] with, in fact Kasich’s people are coming in today, I talked to Ted Cruz…” – We menace today.


Priebus – “..I mean yeah I did five shows on Sunday morning. I don’t think anyone saw a guy that was miserable, or upset I’ve, I just take it as [it comes, and I think it’s gonna] turn out.” – The next thing is that there’s mud.


Priebus – “It’s extraordinarily interesting, and it is rewarding. Although you’re right, your, you’re [lead, in here]. I mean I would, would never check my name on Twitter…” – Bring the deal.


Priebus – “The second thing, [that’s happening], is the selection of delegates. That means that in the Republican party of Wisconsin, when those delegates get together, they’re gonna have an el, they’re gonna have those elections.” – In a bastard.


Priebus – “.. then it’s really too late! You can’t turn around in mid-July and say, okay [now I’m gonna mount a], third party ballet access initiative, it’s, the whole thing is ridiculous.” – Islam sending money.


Priebus – “.. but I think it’s certainly possible, and, and I think ah, [tonight’s out]come is important in that regard, and you’ll see the narrative…” – God damn it.


Priebus – “..uh, getting on the ballet in, like say, look at Ohio, and you can Google Ohio’s secre[tary of state, ballet access]…” – The shadow life dead, fear it.


Priebus – “The, the, the reason tonight’s important, isn’t just on the delegate side, it’s the narrative side, because there’s really not a whole lot happening [until New York] so,…” – Now are you listening?



General Reversals


Priebus – “Well I would never say must, but certainly I’d probably state the obvious, that [the closer you get] to 1237, I would think that on the first or the second ballot, if you’re really, really close, that it, it, it, it’s obviously more likely. But…” – Angry you sulk.


Priebus – “When they have super delegates in their back pockets, and could give a darn what their grass-roots is telling the party, that’s not how [we operate our] party, on our side.” – But they will buy you.


Priebus – “I don’t think anyone involved condones [violence. I think], I think that the temperature should be ratcheted down… ” – Give us the love.


Priebus – “(Interviewer) If no candidate has 1237 going into the convention, and their, they take a first vote and nobody’s got the majority, then they go to the second vote, and it truly is a free-for-all at that point. At that, point any one of those guys who’s on the ballet, and technically, another name could be submitted. (Priebus) Generally, that’s right. However, [you have to consider that] now these delegates that are going in bound to candidates, in many cases, they’re going to be forming relationships with those candidates…” – Have your list, make it pay.


Priebus – “..and, and I don’t think anyone involved condones [violence so no] I, I, I, I, think it should end…” – Honest the love.


Priebus – “..join in with that nominee, to win a general election against a candidate that, just yesterday, is now seeing that her staff is going to be deposed under oath, uh, by the, [uh, by the FBI] so I mean…” – I pay lover.


Priebus – “You do have people that are coming into these events, seeking to, to, to [make a statement, and people shouldn’t] re, react with violence…” – This shall beat in a mess again.


Priebus – “ have an open, and honest, and clear proces[s. So even if it means an open] convention, so that when people come together through Cleveland they can at least say, look, it was straight…” – Upon his name they can abuse us.



Added May 2, 2016

Priebus – “’s those candidates must vote for that candidate, [for that winner] so, their actually bound to vote for the winner.” – A new Adolf.


Priebus – “..and I would tell you if we weren’t in the field, um , you know, things wouldn’t improve [so you actually have to have] people from the community, in the community working in that community John, in order to make a difference and that’s the big thing that we’ve done differently…” – Bad they carry us.


Priebus – “I highly doubt [that it would run] past Thursday we’re going to get done with all of our business by Tuesday…” – Now do it dead.


Priebus – “Actually listen, John, I, I am actually having fun it’s not a [shtick I’m not just faking through] these sorts of things I, actually I’m, I’m in, I’m in a front row seat to history…” – Wolf, he gets a gun my catch.