President Barrack Obama December 2014


Obama – “..they got a tough job to do to maintain public safety and hold accountable those who break the law. As they do their jobs in the coming days, they need to work with the community not against the community, [to distinguish the handful of people] who may use the grand juries decision as an excuse for violence…” – All people mad, show incident.


Obama – “ our service members who are away from home, we say an extra prayer for you and your loved ones, and we renew our commitment to take care of you as you as [well as you have taken care of] us.” – American gets resolve.


Obama – “ know it’s easy to focus on what separates us but [as we gather with loved one]s on this Thanksgiving, lets remember and be grateful for what binds us together.” – Nobel the word I use.


Obama – “..uh, with this administration and local and [state officials], uh to start tackling much needed criminal justice reform.” – So shit face.


Obama – “ we are grateful to all [Americans who do their] part to live by those ideals…” – We’re reducing the crime.


Obama – “..but the results of ordinary people in every gene[ration doing their part]…” – Your friend knowing the shit.


Reversals Added December 19, 2014


Obama – “As we go about our days, as we gather with loved ones and friends, it’s important to remember, our way of life, the freedom, [prosperity, and sec]urity that we enjoy as Americans…” – This leader sob.


Obama – “..just go to As a nation as Americans let’s always keep st[riving to serve them as well as they have] always served us.” – The heads allows an adversity now.


Obama – “..and when the world calls on America we call on the brave men and women of our armed forces to [do what no one else can. So this holiday sea]son as we give thanks for the blessings in our own lives let’s also give thanks to our men and women in uniform who make those blessings possible.” – It’s the losses next time no one know it.