Harlot: Self-Proclaimed Witch

An Art Bell Interview

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..I practice the art of witchcraft, what I am art is a satanic fourth generation earth witch…

Darling, this is nightmare

[Play Stream] [Download File] …I don’t care anymore, I don’t care you can use my first name, lets go with it…

Better watch it

[Play Stream] [Download File] …they know who it is, they have an opportunity and I welcome the opportunity…

Where’s your gun? Are you finished

[Play Stream] [Download File] …I have for years, even through my childhood, reacted very strongly between issues considering God, Heaven, Satan hell…

You’ll now serve the sky

[Play Stream] [Download File] …if you go through your scripture and you find out the beginning with Adam and Eve and so on…

They’ll force the venom

[Play Stream] [Download File] …it bothered quite a few people, that mark slowly began to disappear as I got older…

How terrible. I’ll get that rapist / Serve my soul

[Play Stream] [Download File] …I appreciate you, when I first tuned in and you talked about this thing you call the quickening, oh how right you are…

The mirror sweet / Bring the whirl a mirror

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..haven’t I done all these great works in thy name, haven’t I believed in you…

Got under thy man having a screw

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..I found myself two days later getting my bags packed and sent off to my grandmothers place..

Be honest. Want a son

[Play Stream] [Download File] ART .(commenting on claims that her bloodline has entered politics) .I have interviewed Dr Malachi Martin…

See if you’re faking

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..we conspire to obtain vengeance for our master being cast out of heaven…

Satan, he will send love

[Play Stream] [Download File] …this reality simply is war, we war against the holy and God…

Healed my sick

[Play Stream] [Download File] …a political person who wants to get in the hierarchy of politics, almost seems to have a Christian background….

Mild God mischief

[Play Stream] [Download File] …I think that as- human beings we are unfairly punished at the hands of a Creator who is not perfect, who is very fallible and had made many mistakes along the way…

Cry. You’ve made him exhausted

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..Jesus said, every time I say that name, well, he said the father in heaven knows all…

Hell, and I was scared to meet ‘im

[Play Stream] [Download File] …I have went into churches and I have been into their churches and sat in their congregations…….

Fed massacre / You’re not primitive

[Play Stream] [Download File] …a young woman myself alone, across the country in the middle of the night in order to spread unholy seeds….

Beyond the boredom

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..he’s in the war room, the black room right now – that’s where we practised unholy arts…

We wore Satin

[Play Stream] [Download File] ART: ….spreading evil in what form Harlot…..

Need Oates

[Play Stream] [Download File] …as a matter of fact, my entire coven is here…

Hurry, send a back up

[Play Stream] [Download File] (other covens across the states) …they’re not prepared yet to come out publicly, I think they live so much in fear but they’re just not ready…

Get the brave

[Play Stream] [Download File] ART: ..not a belief, not a worship of that devil you say you worship but a mental illness…

Love the show, yes

[Play Stream] [Download File] …that’s not the grand scheme of things. God needs an opposer. God needs it…

Mend little wee heart within

[Play Stream] [Download File] …he was allowed to do that because even in God’s makeup of what he is, I find him to be more than just jealous now…

Say, eat hell again

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..there is no way that they can win that ballgame but what they can do is inflict enough damage on that team…

They made fun. The filth music

[Play Stream] [Download File] …I have sometimes went in a state of sleep and different thing and have left marks on my enemies…

I’m not scum

[Play Stream] [Download File] …if I had to get up in front of a congregation and preach about God, I would…

Name that trick

[Play Stream] [Download File] …oh please could you please come to visit me…

Begin to serve my grief with defended warlock

[Play Stream] [Download File] Wicken: …we practise a sort of nature worship sir…

Curse the show

[Play Stream] [Download File] …we have not seen hurricanes and we have not seen the multitude of storms…

Oates seduced its vomit

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..I went and I got before the place where you kneel and asked for repentance of sins..

The winery, your wise self

[Play Stream] [Download File] CALLER: …I totally 100% praise Jesus’ name…

That man is the beast

[Play Stream] [Download File] DRUID: ..a lot of those Wiccans do, that where they think the power comes from..

Hell sad within

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..I love pain, I inflict pain on my own body…

Built me up

[Play Stream] [Download File] CALLER (Satanist mother): ..I lived a horrible life, my mother was completely foul…

Why, I feel guilt

[Play Stream] [Download File] ..take a knife and cut me and if it had not been for the simple fact…

Named/Knave under heaven

[Play Stream] [Download File] (her five year old son gone to Hell) …based on the simple fact that when he was born, I performed a certain ritual over him…

I’ll bless him with Satan

[Play Stream] [Download File] CHRISTIAN CALLER ..in an entity, the church as a central location is, I don’t agree with 90% of the churches…

Satan shackle

[Play Stream] [Download File] ART: ..I think that it did Christians a great service to hear this?

It’s a verse

A strange occurrence happened after I played these reversals on the Art Bell show. A ghostly image appeared on Art’s web cam photograph.


  LEFT: Taken by our very own Studio Web Cam, here Art is overcome by some mysterious entity, which Art didn’t see at the time. He looked over on the Web Cam screen after the image was grabbed by the software, and saved it. This image was grabbed during Art’s interview with David John Oates, during the final moments of the “Harlot The Witch” reversals on December 19, 1997. RIGHT: Also presented is a normal image, one showing that Art doesn’t really have gray hair!

Also notice that the time stamp on the video cam image, 1:26:21, if reversed, is 1:26:21, the same! Eerie isn’t it?

Art Bell’s very own ghost picture with a collection of enhancements from various listeners submitted to the web page worthy of your consideration.